Future Trends in Manufacturing: Exploring Potential Technological Advancements
Neuralink, a neurotechnology company founded by Elon Musk, made news deadlines in 2021 when it announced the development of a brain implant, which allowed a monkey to play a video game telepathically. In 2022, the company hopes to test its device in humans. The initial trials have shown encouraging results, suggesting the technology’s potential healthcare applications. Early intended usage may enable people who are paralysed to operate a computer device.
Whether by forming a solution to public health crises or enabling people with severe disabilities to live a more independent life, the above manufacturing technologies are all hugely exciting, and have the ability to make life far easier for people around the world. What is perhaps most exciting, however, is that we have not even begun to scratch the surface in terms of the impact these technologies could have in the future.
Reference: @Manufacturingdigital